Grand Pirates Codes: Grand Pirates is a game from the Roblox gaming world and it is one of the ultimate games by the game developer and has a new perspective for the gamers. For playing this game, Grand Pirates Codes play a major role. So to know more about Grand Pirates Codes, read the article given below.

Grand Pirates
Grand Pirates is based on a theme full of pirates, like the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. It is an online adventure game that was officially developed by the Grand Pirate Official in March 2022. The game will release codes every month which can be redeemed by players to earn rewards. So here we have the codes for July 2022. Take a look!
Grand Pirates Codes 2022 July (Active)
Secondsea - Redeem for a Stat reset
50KLikesSorry - Redeem for 120 mins of 2x peli
12.5MVisits - Redeem for stat reset
60KFavorites - Redeem for 60mins of 2x XP
Grand Pirates Codes July 2022 (Expired)
10MVisits - Redeem for a Stat Reset
8.5MVisits - Redeem for a Stat Reset
GearFourth - Redeem for a Stat Reset
30KLikes - Redeem for a Stat Reset
50KFavorites - Redeem for a Remove Devil Fruit
7.5MVisits - Redeem for a Stat Reset
40KFavorites - Remove Devil Fruit
5MVisits - Devil Fruit Notifier 120 mins
20KLikes - Redeem for a Stat Reset
1KDislikes - Redeem to remove your Devil Fruit
2MVisits - Redeem for a 60 mins Devil Fruit notifier
20KFavorites - Redeem for Double Peli 60 mins
1.5MVisits - Redeem for a 60 mins Devil Fruit notifier
10KLikes - Redeem for a Stat Reset
1MVisits - Redeem for a Stat Reset
SorryForShutdowns - Redeem for 60 mins of 2x Drop Rate
10KFavorites - Redeem for Double Peli 60 mins
5KLikes - Redeem for a Stat Reset
500KVisits - Redeem to Remove Devil Fruit
100KVisits - Redeem to a Stat Reset
4KLikes - Redeem for 30 mins of 2x Peli
3KLikes - Redeem for 60 mins of Devil Fruit notifier
2KLikes - Redeem for 30 mins of 2x XP
1KLikes - Redeem to a Stat Reset
SuspiciousAction - Redeem for 60 mins of Devil Fruit notifier
SorryForBugs - Redeem for 10k Peli
Released - Redeem for 10k Peli
How To Redeem Codes In Grand Pirates?
Launch the game on your device first.
Now press the menu option that you see on your screen
Then press the Settings on the screen
Now, enter the code that you see on the screen
Press the enter option and after submitting the code you can claim your rewards.
Grand Pirates Codes - FAQs
20KLikes, 1KDislikes, 2MVisits, and 20KFavourites are the Grand Pirates Codes.
It was developed in March 2022.
The game Grand Pirates was officially developed by the Grand Pirate Official.
Pirates are the theme of the game.
Online Adventure game is the genre of the game.
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