Ranveer Singh and many others reacted to Lalit Modi's post about Sushmita Sen. Ranveer shared a heart emoticon and a nazar amulet in the comments section of Lalit's post. Cricketer Harbhajan Singh also shared a heart emoticon and a lightening icon in reaction to the post. Shilpa Shetty and celebrity stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania also ‘liked’ the post. Designer Nandita Mahtani also shared heart and hug emojis.
Sushmita seems to be on a vacation and has been sharing stunning pictures from her time in Maldives, and Sardinia. She recently shared a mesmerising video from an infinity pool in Maldives on Instagram and wrote, “I want YOU to know… you’re the love of my life."
In a recent interview with Twinkle Khanna for Tweak India, Sushmita had said she came close to getting married thrice but ‘the men were a let down’. She said, “Luckily I met some very interesting men in my life, the only reason I never got married is because they were a let down. It had nothing to do with my kids."
She added, "I came close to getting married thrice, all three times God saved me. I can't tell you what disasters followed with their respective lives. God protected me, also because God is protecting these two kids, he can't let me get into a messy affair."
Sushmita was in relationship with model Rohman Shawl for a few years before they broke up some months ago. The two continue to stay on good terms. Sushmita is also a single mother, and has two daughters – Renee and Alisah.
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